Hi, thank you for your assistance. I am a auto parts supplier and am working on a data entry sheet that will allow me to upload tab separated data files to various websites. The data entry is tedious and repetitive. I would like to reduce it by using radio / option buttons. I am new at this and do not know any VBA. However, if shown how once, I can replicate the operation to create the various pull downs I wish to create. I have read many forum entries and have so far succeed in the following:
-- I have saved the file as xlsm to enable macros
-- I have "Developer" on my toolbar
-- I can create an option button box with the desired titles in either form or active X
-- I can group the individual buttons
Help I am looking for:
-- is there an advantage to choosing to use form or activeX in this application?
-- I understand I need to name the grouped option buttons. I do not know how to accomplish this but would like to use the colum header titles. (ie. " Make", "Location on Vehicle", "Shipping Cost")
Can you supply a procedure?
I have created an example with the actual headers i wish to use. Between the column headers are 18 rows of data entry fields and below them the options i would like to see next to the radio options.
I included two other column headers that i would like to convert the data entry to radio / option buttons: "Location on Vehicle" and "Shipping Cost".
I have several questions:
- can you give me a step by step procedure to create and re-create the desired selection boxes using excel 2007?
- Can the selection boxes be attached to a specific cell? In this example A,1.
- Once created can option box be copied to A,2 - A,3 - A,4 etc.? Procedure?
- Can you give me the required VBA code to accomplish the desired button action and procedure to adapt it to other column headers?
- what would the syntax be for cell C,2 to interpret the output in cell B,2 with the corresponding correct text with recommended command.
NOTE: I need the output value to appear separately as other cells on the sheet will point to it to display other corresponding values.
I realize this is very rudimentary for you but it is rocket science to me. Please provide as much detail in the instructions as possible. Once again, thank you.