Hello - I am posting this in this forum because I did not get any help in the VBA forum. Maybe here I will
I have a new problem to solve. I have an Excel sheet with about 1,000 rows. Each row has an origin and destination column. Now I need a code that opens a specific website and goes to a specific tab and then search for the origin and destination fields queries. The code then takes each row and place them in the search query. The result from each row can result a valid connection between an origin and a destination OR no connection exists. So simply if connection is successful, the code simply returns "yes" otherwise "no".
I can open the website from Excel, but what I need to click on specific tab where I do my searches. One of the problems I am facing is that when I try to click on the tab I need I get the message that I must use Internet Explorer or Chrome or Mozilla. Although Excel uses Internet Explorer to open the website. I am not sure why this error.
Attached you will find the following:
1 - Few data rows that we need to run the loop on.
2 - A snapshot of the website that we need to input the data from the rows (FOLLOW LINK)
3 A snapshot to show you the tab ("Ocean Schedule") that we need to access after we open the main website in vba. (FOLLOW LINK)
Any suggestion?