I'm hoping that I can get some help regarding this little problem I'm having. It's not so much a problem as what it is tedious.

Sheet1 handles stock that has been sent to a customer on delivery notes, which I fill then in green to highlight the information and when I receive purchase orders, I fill in the Invoice and Purchase order numbers on this sheet and remove the color fill. The entries not invoiced is copied to Sheet2 with only the values pasted and the information is then copied to a new file, saved under a new name and emailed to four different people. Data is added on constantly and the information CANNOT be cell dependent.

I've only recently been starting to learn about macros and it's power, but I don't know how to implement something that can speed up my daily grind.

In general, I want to do the following:

On Sheet1
1. As soon as I have finished entering all the details I needed to enter, I would like the row to have a dark green fill.
2. When I've entered the Invoice number and Purchase Order Number, then the fills must automatically be removed.

On Sheet2
1. The details with the Dark Green Fill must be shown here with only the values represented.
2. When I enter the invoice and Purchase order number, the corresponding data must then be deleted and the remaining cell contents must then shift up.
3. I will then have this sheet exported to a new workbook, saved under a new name and then sent to four different people.

Am I saddling up a too high horse? My knowledge with VB and Macros are VERY limited, although I understand the premise.

Any help and would be appreciated..

With Thanks