I am new to macro but I know that this excel feature can help me a great deal.

The task is to copy and paste 20+ summary reports found in specific tabs named "Pivot" that exist in multiple workbooks located within the same folder located
in H:\Balance Sheet 2013

The macro will copy and paste pivot tables (summary reports) found in tabs named Pivot each into a separate worksheet within
a file called Balance Sheet Summary. The data to be transferred, from the summary reports to the Balance Sheet Summary workbook, always start on cell A3 but each summary report has different number of columns and different number of rows (some can be very large files).
Report users will still be able to drill down on the information residing behind these pivot tables.

Ideally the macro will name each new tab created with a combination of data found within cell B5 and cell C5.
Example B5="WE" and C5="201343" the result is "WE 4313".
Example B5="WA" and C5="201312" the result is "WA 1213".
But this is optional.

Is this something achievable or I am just kidding myself?

Any advice/help is much appreciated.
Many thanks