Hey guys,

I have an URGENT problem.

I create a dropdown list with the following code:

Sub create_priorityList()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim shtCut As String
Dim priorityArr As Variant
Dim priorSt As String

priorityArr = priority_array
priorSt = Join(priorityArr, ",")
Debug.Print "priorSt: " & priorSt & "; Länge: " & Len(priorSt)
Call sec_mod.unlckSh(Tabelle1)
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    shtCut = auto.searchMassTable(ws.codeName, 4, 2)
    If shtCut <> "" And shtCut <> "dummy" Then
        If Not Tabelle1.Range(shtCut & "_priority").Validation Is Nothing Then
                   Tabelle1.Range(shtCut & "_priority").Validation.Delete
        End If
            With Tabelle1.Range(shtCut & "_priority").Validation
                .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidateList, Operator:= _
                    xlEqual, Formula1:=priorSt
                .IgnoreBlank = True
                .InCellDropdown = True
                .InputTitle = ""
                .ErrorTitle = ""
                .InputMessage = ""
                .ErrorMessage = ""
                .ShowInput = True
                .ShowError = True
            End With
    End If
Next ws
Call sec_mod.lckSh(Tabelle1)
End Sub
Function priority_array() As Variant

    Dim j As Integer
    Dim total As Long
    Dim arr As Variant
    total = Tabelle5.Range("sum_active_mn").Value    'counts visible maßnahmen
    Debug.Print "Total: " & total
    ReDim arr(1 To total)
    For j = 1 To total
        arr(j) = j
    Next j
    priority_array = arr
End Function

The problem is: sometimes, the number are not shown as different selectable items, but the string is shown as ONE item. Screenshot is attached. This only occurs sometimes, though?!

Any ideas?


Many thanks,