Is there a way to not allow VBA from automatically putting space in between a hyphen within the code?
For example:
I want it to look like this (see red):
.Cells(x, 1).Value = CStr(oUser.sAMAccountName) 'Replace(oUser.Name, "CN=", "")
.Cells(x, 2).Value = oUser.givenName
.Cells(x, 3).Value = oUser.SN
.Cells(x, 4).Value = oUser.DisplayName
.Cells(x, 5).Value = oUser.department
.Cells(x, 6).Value = oUser.test-Address
This is what it always turns out to be (see red):
.Cells(x, 1).Value = CStr(oUser.sAMAccountName) 'Replace(oUser.Name, "CN=", "")
.Cells(x, 2).Value = oUser.givenName
.Cells(x, 3).Value = oUser.SN
.Cells(x, 4).Value = oUser.DisplayName
.Cells(x, 5).Value = oUser.department
.Cells(x, 6).Value = oUser.test - Address