Hi Team,

I have the following VBA code

Cells(60000, 256).Value = "=INDEX($" & saddr & "$1:$" & laddr & "$" & data_LastRow & "," & j & ", MATCH(" & Position & ",$" & saddr & "$1:$" & laddr & "$1,0)+1)"
I would like to coupled the below sytax with the above one using IFERROR or something else

"=INDEX($" & saddr & "$1:$" & laddr & "$" & data_LastRow & "," & j & ", MATCH(" & Position & ",$" & saddr & "$1:$" & laddr & "$1,0))"
The logic is if first syntax shows error then the second one should excecute (usual IFERROR function).

I don't know how to coupled these 2 syntax using IFERROR.

Kindly help me please.
