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Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

  1. #1
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    Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    I have found many solutions, both via formulas and through use of VBA, on the net for counting the number of unique values in a list.

    I want to do a count of unique values based on a criteria such that with a dataset including SiteCode and PropertyType, I want to know how many unque PropertyTypes there are with a specified SiteCode sitting alongside them.

    The PropertyTypes are strings rather than numbers and the solution will also need to cope with blanks and not count a blank as a unique value.

    My current dataset is a little over 1,000 records with 5 different SiteCodes but I will need to extend this to circa 40,000 records with circa 500 different SiteCodes.

    Given the potential future size of the dataset, the speed of calculation will also be a consideration.

    I wondered if the new "Remove Duplicates" facility on the ribbon could be used within a macro to create a temporary list either within a VBA variable or on a temporary sheet and then count the number of items in that list?

    Any pointers would be much appreciated.

    Last edited by greencroft; 04-03-2014 at 04:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    It's possible that a Pivot table may be a solution also...depending on how the data is setup....

    Please consider adding a * if I helped

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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    Can you provide us with a sample file? To attach a file, push the button with the paperclip (or scroll down to the Manage Attachments button), browse to the required file, and then push the Upload button.

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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    Sample data file is now attached.

    The Site Code is in column B and the Property Type in column C.

    This is just an extract of the data that will eventually be in there.

    Thanks for your interest.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    Does this help any?

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  6. #6
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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by JOHN H. DAVIS View Post
    Does this help any?

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    Many thanks for your solution but I maybe have not sufficiently explained what I was after.

    Rather than find out how many records there are with a given Site Code and a given Property Type, I want to find out how many unique Property Types there are for a given Site Code.

    For this sample of the bigger dataset, I know that there are a total of 30 unique Property Types altogether and (doing it fairly manually) can work out that within Site Codes A to E, there are 8, 2, 21, 10 and 5 unique Property Types within each respective Site Code.

    It is these latter numbers that I want a formula or VBA solution to calculate such that I can list them in a Site Summary Table.

    For your interest, the formula I have used for calculating the number of unique values in the list is:


    where datalist is the range containing the data. I unashamedly found this elsewhere on the internet (at chandoo.org) and it works beautifully for this purpose but I cannot see how to extend its methodology to introduce a criteria.

    Thanks again

  7. #7
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    For a formula solution list A, B, C, D and E in E5 down and then in F5 use this array formula


    confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and copied down to F9

    BTW for the total number of different property types you can use this formula

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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria


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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by daddylonglegs View Post
    For a formula solution list A, B, C, D and E in E5 down and then in F5 use this array formula


    confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and copied down to F9

    BTW for the total number of different property types you can use this formula

    That works a treat thanks very much. I will now look at it to see if I can break down what it is doing.

    Your second formula for calculating the number of unique values in a list without criteria I had seen elsewhere but the one that used "FREQUENCY" function seemed significantly faster over a large dataset (by a factor of about 8x over 20,000 records).

    Thanks again.

  10. #10
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    Re: Counting Number of Unique Values in a List based on Criteria

    Quote Originally Posted by JOHN H. DAVIS View Post

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    And thank you John for this VBA solution to the same problem.

    I want the answer to appear in a cell rather than a message box but I think even I can manage that modification.

    Great as ever to see the combined wisdom of the forum at work so promptly and the differing solutions via formulas and VBA. I am never sure which is preferable and guess it depends on whether you come from a pure spreadsheet upbringing and so are more familiar with writing esoteric formulas or were into programming languages in which cases the sequential steps in code may be the more natural approach.

    Thanks again.

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