I'll begin by mentioning that I'm relatively new to VBA and Macros, (currently learning R) but have enough intuition to figure things out once I'm pointed in the right direction. There is probably a more elegant way of achieving what my sample spreadsheet is trying to do; feel free to redirect my efforts.

I have simplified this spreadsheet from the original to get to the core of what I want it to do. There are three tabs: 1) tab:"query fields" is an area that places data that is retrieved from the web, in this case it retrieves tables from yahoo finance given a ticker input. The ticker input cell is currently on the "score card" tab. 2) tab:"score card" in this tab you can input a ticker symbol in the indicated box and it will populate the "query fields" with corresponding data. This tab also extracts certain fields from the retrieved tables and performs a pass/fail test then produces a score %

This is great if I'm doing one symbol at a time, however I eventually would like to 'loop' this process such that a score field is populated for a list of tickers, hence tab 3) "list". Ideally I'd create a control button to initiate the web retrieval process and it would go down my list, retrieve the table data, perform the pass/fail tests, then populate the corresponding score % in the cell next to the ticker symbols. I know I can keep running separate web queries for specific symbols, but I guess my secondary goal is to have this be as dynamic as possible, since the ticker list will change and the list could be sizable at times.

Any help or direction is appreciated. I'm also not married to Yahoo Finance for retrieving stock data, it's just convenient, if other web sources yield similar or better results feel free to share.
CSH- web query.xlsx