Hi everyone,
I wanted to create simple stopwatch and found this on Youtube.
I followed the instruction and came up with something like this (see attachment)
But actually, this is not exactly what I want.
Could anyone here help me modify VBA, module or something?
These are what I imagine:
1. I only have ONE button only. (Start/Stop)
2. I select ANY cell I want.
3. I press the button.
4. Stopwatch start in cell I select (point 2 above)
5. Stopwatch run in format "sss.000" (second and in fractions. Not in minute. example result: 72.88 sec. (NOT--> 1:12.88 )
6. I press the button again.
7. Stopwatch stop.
8. I select another cell.
9. loop again from point 3.
I hope I explained what I need well.
And I hope some one will help me.)
Thank you in advance.
test stopwatch 3.xlsm