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Loop thru Charts in Workbook and Changing Chart 2/Error Handling

  1. #1
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    Loop thru Charts in Workbook and Changing Chart 2/Error Handling

    Hi, I have code that will change data labels, now I want to loop through all the worksheets and change chart 2. Not every sheet has a chart, but if there are charts there is a chart 1 2 and 3.
    My current code activates chart 2 and then changes it, but that doesn't work with looping and I'm stuck on how to reference it.
    Portion of code below

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    Thank you.
    Last edited by ker9; 03-29-2014 at 09:32 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Loop thru Charts in Workbook and Changing Chart 2/Error Handling

    I've gotten further along as I continue to try to make this work.

    Now I need to handle errors, but I'm not sure what types of errors I might come across.
    It's possible a chart might be missing a data label to work with. What is best error handling method?

    Looping code:
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  3. #3
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    Re: Loop thru Charts in Workbook and Changing Chart 2/Error Handling

    Hi ker9,

    Good progress.

    Some of the problems include:
    a. Data Series missing
    b. Data point missing
    c. Data label missing (if point is missing)
    d. Data label text is not a number (improbable but possible)

    Start deleting things one at a time until you get a runtime error. Then when you find which runtime errors you get you can process or ignore the possible errors.

    For example you could use something like this as a starting point.
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