Hi All,

I've done a pretty deep search and feel like I'm so close to a solution and that I could have been there by now if only I knew more coding. There are SO many "autopopulate" threads but none were quite right. There was one that I was eyeballing where it populated based on whether the item was a Fruit or Vegetable. I thought i could change the "Fruit/Vegetable" drop down, with the current date and pull based on Date(Year(today()),Month(Today()),1) then insert a 'greater than/less than' criteria in the formula with the arrays available, but alas...I didn't know my head from my...feet.

So, while I'm learning some of the coding and array formulas (that are now new to me, thanks for the lesson!), I'm going to post this is hopes that if I fail I have some direction and a safety net.

Press a button on Data Sheet (Sheet 1) to Auto-populate a Commission Sheet (Sheet 2) with a list of people that I've had an appointment with in the month.

Data available:
Sheet 1 -
is an ENTIRE list/history that has the people names(A1), if the appointment was set(A2), DATE the appointment was set for which could range from 'Jan 2013' to 'Jan 2015' (A3), DATE the appointment was held which could be the same as the previous date, but not always (A4), who it was set for(A5)

Sheet 2 -
Commission Page - blank page that should populate the ENTIRE list of PEOPLE that were met with in the CURRENT MONTH (using the date).

will post example sheet soon.