I inherited a price list workbook made up of multiple worksheets (some 30 pages). Each year the new prices (including % increase) are calculated by a formula in the row below each price (100's of rows and formulae).
C1 might say £10
D1 says =C1+(C1*2.5%) £10.25 (it actually does some rounding too)
It may seem odd having both rows but MD can see the before and after. The new price 10.25 must however be manually copied to C1 to avoid circular referencing and then D1 row hidden. Very laborious to repeat 100's of times.
Is there a way of first copying the entire workbook for the new year (easy) then by means of a macro looping through each formula cell of all sheets in workbook 1 and pushing the result to the new workbook and to the correct sheet and then to the same location but to the cell above. e.g. pushing £10.25 from D1 of sheet 1 workbook 1 to C1 of sheet 1 workbook 2 to become the new price for the coming year?
There may be entirely better way of managing price lists and it would be interesting to hear how others do it but it would be expedient if I could just get this variant working quickly for now. Thanks.