Hello, everybody. I am new here and would like to ask for your help with the calculations of the long-term averages.
Let's sart with a dscription of my situation..
The data of the long-term (48 years) hydrological measurement data I currently work with consists of the monthly discharge data (every 12 months of 48 years). It is presented in a tabular form (observation post, river, year, month, average monthly discharge in cub. m/s).
Firstly, the units of monthly values of discharge should be convert/recalculate from cub. m/s to mm [Q(monthly) = value * 60 (s) * 60 (min.) * 24 (h) * D (number of days in a given moonth: 28/29, 30 or 31)/A (area of the catchment) * 1000] [values that are fixed in this case are marked with bold]. Secondly, the yearly values (12 month averages) for each year (the period is 1961 to 2009) are to be calculated.
While it is quite easy to recaculate each value (convert to other unit of measurement), the calculation of the year averages seems to be a more time-consuming procedure. I realised that the calculation of the yearly (12 month average) values should follow this algorythm: Average(G3:G14) (the data set starts from the third row), then Average (G15:G26), etc.
Would it be possible to write a formula or a macro code that helped to work (convert the units of data and calculate the averages of each year) with many more similar tables (same data, different values)?
Thank you very much for any help. Hope, we can find a sollution soon.![]()