
Please bear with me if you already have other posts similar, but so far on the internet I cannot find what I need and am hoping that with your wisdom and knowledge you may be able to help me with something that is boggling me!

I am doing a piece of work for my company where a form auto fills in with the correct company name, pricing details etc when an account number is entered. So far I have done my vlookups to achieve this and that part is fine. Where I am stuck is one company has many sub brands which means this part will need to be selected by the user. To use a company for Example, Whitbread is the parent account and it has sub brands of Premier Inn, Costa, Taybarns etc..

Therefore when the account number brings up Whitbread in the vlookup, I would like the cell below to create a drop down list so the user can select one of these sub brands.

Does this make sense? If so your help would be much appreciated!!

Thank you!!
