Hi guys,
I hope you can help me,
I have 3 tables , 1- Technicans table for May and April which shows the fixes by technicians over the period.
2 - Technicans table for April which shows the fixes by technicians over the period.
both of those tables hold the following set of items: UNIT ID - a unique ID for each costumer FIX ID - a unique ID for each problem solved by a technician DATE OF PROBLEM OPENED - the date in which the problem opened in the system.
DATE OF PROBLEM SOLVED - the date in which the problem closed in the system.
The 3rd table holds the calls that were made in APRIL-MAY. Call ID, UNIT ID- same as the UNIT ID in the previous tables and is the key. CLIENT CALL DATE - when did the client call, FIX CODE - the solution description.
Keep in mind that a specific costumer can have several calls , and several problems that need to be taken care of by technicians.
I want to be able to:
1st: See how many times each client called within a week and month(3rd table) after he had a technician visit in april (1st table)
2nd: See the clients that had more than 1 visit by a technician and see the amount that happend a week and a month after the last visit(the 2nd visit is in relation to the 1st, the 3rd in relation to the 2nd if there was).
I attached an example,
Once again , any help will be appreciated.
Have a lovely day!Problem.zip
By the way i inserted it into a 7zip file - If you have any problems message me.