I have two columns:
Column A1:A300 contains one key word (e.g. water, bar, etc) per cell for each of the 300 cells.
Column B1:B1000 contains various names – can be one or more words (e.g. waterfront barman, water mechanic, bar etc) per cell for each of the 1000 cells
I am trying to determine if each text phrase in Column B contains any WHOLE word (but exact match) from Column A.
So in my example above, the cell with a phrase (e.g. waterfront barman) would return a False value since it does not contain any of the EXACT WHOLE words from column A. On the other hand, a cell with a phrase (water mechanic) would return the value True since this phrase contains one whole and exact match (mechanic) in Column A.
Also, if a phrase from Column B contains more than one word from Column A, it does not need to count the number of instances. It simply needs to return the value True to indicate that at least one of the words from Column A is contained within the word from Column B.
In addition, could you please provide two solutions (if possible):
1. For case sensitive match; and
2. Non-case sensitive match.
Thanks for your help
P.S. this is my first tread so my apologies in advance if I have not been clear about my issue.