I have a sheet werein there are columns one with time that marks the start of an event/activity of a person and the other with the event/activity. I want to calculate the total time of a particular activity and the number of time that activity was done. I can use the Countif to calculate the number of times but totally confused about how to calculate the total time of a particular activity as the time column only gives me the start time. For ex: 8:05 Start of Break 8:10 QC Start 8:15 Start of Break 8:20 Coaching 8:30 End of break 8:40 QC End
There might be multiple activities in between. So now how do I calculate the total time between different activities and then summing total time for particular activity etc. Is there a solution/formula/macro anything or do I have to do it manually by removing the difference between every activities and then adding the totals? Please advise.