Hi Everyone,
Im fairly beginner with Excel and new to the forum. Could use some guidance.

I am copying data from web page to excel, no export function for what Im doing. The format of the cell is a time stamp, something like: 22:37:27 11-Nov-2011, Fri. I need to remove the last5 char's(, Fri)from many cells. Then I need to convert it to MT TZ, ie GMT - 7.

To remove the char's I used: =LEFT(A2, LEN(A2)-5). This gives me 22:37:27 11-Nov-2011
I now need to convert to MT, which I can do with A2-"07:00"

Where Im stuck is how to combine all of this into one formula so I dont need so many columns to translate the date/time. Is it possible to combine the LEFT/LEN with the -"07:00" ?

Thanks, appreciate the help
