Hi All,
I am facing a problem since last morning.
I have tried to use record macro facility on a new excel named Test.xlsx but during that time a excel sheet with the name TS11-v01.1.xlsx was opened which contains some macro. after recording the operation via macro recording facility, i have tried to delete one sheet of Test.xlsx.
When i try to delete any sheet of Test.xlsx, it is giving me an error message because of that i am not able to delete any sheet.
Error message:
TS11-v01.1.xlsx could not found.Check the spelling of the file name and verify the file location is correct.If you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used file, make sure file has not been renamed,moved or deleted.
Even though i have deleted the TS11-v0.11.xlsx completely from my laptop but still i m not able to delete any worksheet of newly created excel.