First, I've been through 100s of searches here and on other excel forums, and cannot find this. It seems like it should be simple, but I'm getting nowhere.
If' I'm not using correct forum procedure, or Excel terminology, I apologize in advance: I've used Excel for years, but honestly am only recently starting to modify files.
In each "Daily"(where I have one Daily per date) tab/sheet, I have:
24 BHA #
25 PDM Serial#
I then have 15 sheets labeled BHA 1, through BHA 15.
In each of the BHA sheets, I have:
Description S/N
23 Motor (unique serial number)
In my "Daily" sheet, I want to be able to put a number (1 through 15) in C24 for whichever BHA I'm using that day, and have it then put the corresponding Motor serial number in C25