
I have 2 lists of names of people and I want to run a vlookup check to see if all names are covered in both the lists or there are any which are missing from either of the lists. While using the Vlookup option I realised that the cell format has to be the same for comparison for eg: In column A if the name is Joe Blogg and in column B the name is Blogg, Joe or J Blogg then vlookup is unable to identify them as same. However, the data is huge and manually arranging the names all again is very very time consuming.
Is there an option to ensure that the cell formats for both columns are same irrespective of their individual texts? I mean to say, that can Joe Blogg cell format be copied so that Blogg, Joe automatically becomes Blogg Joe - i.e without the comma. With this the texts shall remain independant but their arrangement and format will be exactly same. Thats when the vlookup will work......or is there any other way that I could verify both the column name lists ?
