I go to a few regular poker games every week. The number attending varies from week to week as does the buy-in amount to play so I've compiled a few tables to help calculate the amount to pay out for each position in £'s to help the organizer.
The number of places paid out depends on the number playing. The percentage of the total pot paid to each winner also varies depending on the number playing.
E.g up to 8 playing and 2 places are paid in a 70% 30% split of the total pot.
up to 40 playing and 5 places are paid in a 45% 25% 15% 10% 5% split of the total pot
My problem is that the formulas I've used given my limited skill with excel mean that sometimes when all the payouts are counted up they exceed the pot total, usually by £1.
For example in the second table (£15 buy-in) 5 people are playing for a total pot of £75. The 70/30 split is given as £53 and £23 which exceeds the amount available by £1. This is repeated throughout the whole file in various places.
How can I make it so that the amount shown to be paid out never exceeds the total money available but sticking (roughly) to the percentages indicated? All amounts to be paid must also be to the nearest £1.
I don't have my laptop at the tournaments or I could just use the top table and substitute the figure in B3 to whatever the buy-in amount is and it should work fine (apart from the above mentioned problem). I need this to be printed out and therefore it needs to cover all combinations we might use![]()