well its a little bit stupid question :P

well i made a large database, questioning people,
for a work(university)

i will use an excample (i cannot explain it perfectly)

i want to group numbers (?)
i aksed people about their age and and the age of their parntners

lets asume i asked 5 people
1. 34 and 30(partner)
2. 42 and 35
3. 41 and 31
4. 42 and 35
5. 29 and 35

well i want to make a sum of how many people are 34,42,41,29
in this excample
41, one

and a sum of the age of their partner and posible cominations (themselves-partner)
in this excample
35, three
31, one
30, one

most recent comination is 42-35

well i asked 200 people thats the problem... and i wanna make it on excel
and i dont have any idea of excel

i hope you can help me out