Gawd, I hope one of you guys can help me put life back into my Excel 2003 system. I have no idea what caused this to start happening, but now every time I execute a macro (seems like any macro) I get the an error message like:
Compile error. Can’t find project or library.Missing Personal.xls, or “Missing ATPVBAEN.xla”.

I looked at my list of references and if the file name is there, it’s written like: “Missing: Personal.xls” or “Missing: ATPVBAEN.xla” or both.

Both of these files reside at:
“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\OFFICE11\XLSTART\Personal”.
I had a backup copy of Personal which I substituted for the old Personal, but that was no help. Because I have a large number of shared macros on Personal, I cannot use Excel until I can get it to load.

Both files are resident at the place that Excel expects them to be, so why can’t Excel load them?? Note that IF I see either of these files in the Reference list, it has “Missing” preceding it. So a fix does not include putting a check mark in the little box next to the name. It almost sounds like Excel is looking in a different place now for those files.

I finally figured out how to add a file to the Reference List by using browsing AND specifying the correct filetypes. That helps, but has to be done each time. Certain files just bellyup and crash 3 TIMES in a row with fixes that are total wipeouts. Sound familiar to anyone? This is Excel 2003 running on Windows XP.
