Hello all. I am trying to figure out if this can be done. What I am trying to do is make an excel page out of my existing pages. I have 12, 1 for each month. What I am trying to do is combine them all into ONE worksheet. I wanted to see if there was a way to make a "Master Tab" for all the other sub tabs. I don't know if I am wording this correctly and there may be a forum for it already but I cannot find it if there is one. Can you take, we'll say 31 tabs, and make a master tab for it so that the result would be Master 1, Master 2, Master 3 etc and then you click on Master 1 and it would be January 1-31 (sub tabs)?
The reason I am trying to do this is because when i update one worksheet, I then have to update all of them by opening them up one by one and redoing them. If there is another way to do this (like using a template in Dreamweaver or something similar) then I would just do that. But the problem is here that all of my sheets have different days. Jan 1, Jan 2, etc and Feb 1, Feb 2, etc so even though the data I am working with is the same, the tabs are all named something different.
Not sure this can be done but if anyone knows how I would appreciate the help. Thanks.
Master 1 (January)
Jan 1
Jan 2
Master 2 (February)
Feb 1