
I'm stuck on how to get this is work out correctly.

I have two columns that contain military time.

depending on the entry, the first column may be larger than the second and in other scenarios it's vice versa..


Column A = 24:00
Column B = 06:00

Eg. Midnight to 6am. e.g. diff of 6 hours


Column A = 10:00
Column B = 18:00

eg. 10am to 6pm. e.g. diff of 8 hours

I need to have a formula that checks to see if A is larger than B and then calculates the difference and then in the same formula if B is larger than A then calculates the difference, etc.

I was playing around with this.. =(B2-A2)*24 but that only works if column B is larger than A. Otherwise I end up with negative numbers, etc.

Is there not a forumula that allows you to have a true and false and rather than a static value, allow you to have two seperate formulas based upon the true and false condition??