Hi, I have a brief question regarding averages:
I have data from three trials, each in its own row, and i need to find the average of the three rows. For example:
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average
Time CO2 CO2 CO2
0 2354.812622 2226.066589 2534.675598 =AVERAGE(B4:D4)
1 2413.368225 2184.677124 2544.975281 =AVERAGE(B5:D5)
2 2383.422852 2147.293091 2593.421936 =AVERAGE(B6:D6)
3 2318.763733 2108.192444 2649.879456 =AVERAGE(B7:D7)
It is easy with only four data points, but I have 724 data points
Is there a way to do the above process for all 724 rows at once?
- Challenged-With-Excel-Guy