I have two columns of names. I want to be able to tell if a name in column A is in column b and I also want to know if a name in column b is in column A.
I have two columns of names. I want to be able to tell if a name in column A is in column b and I also want to know if a name in column b is in column A.
Try these in adjacent columns, copied down. TRUE results mean matches found.
assuming data starts in row 1.
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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That was simple enough. Next question: I want check and flag any repeats in column A, but delete any repeats in column B.
Also, I combined the names like this: LastnameFirstname. However, some have commas after the last name. Is there an easy way to parse through the list and remove the commas?
These are 2 new, unrelated questions....
Please post 2 new thread in appropriate forums to address the questions.
The first thing you suggested is working fine. I check the cell in column B vs all of column A, and it seems to work.
However, when I try to do the reverse, check the cell in column A vs all of column B, I get the wrong results. It shows up as false when it should be true.
Column A is significantly longer than column B, so I tried to reverse them, and that didn't work, and I also tried making a copy of both columns and then putting the formula in right next to it, and that didnt help either. I also tried reversing the columns, and that didn't help either. Any ideas?
Then there probably are differences.. check for extra spaces...
If you have numeric data, make sure the columns are formatted to General...
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