I work in a Call Centre where we use Excel to record simple customer contact details on a simple spreadsheet. Comments can be added and these details quickly and easily be emailed to other depts in the building, using buttons added to the sheet. Once actioned, using a macro, the customer's name and reference number is copied over to another sheet which lists all the customer contacts for that day.
We've now been given a new product to use that basically just lists the total customer contact details for that day, meaning we've lost the ability to email easily, which for many on the team is a lengthy and (dare I say it) impossible task by the normal, attaching a file route.
What I need is a quick and easy way to copy the customer name and reference number over to a separate email sheet automatically. We wouldn't need this in all cases, as we don;t always need to email every customer contact. I just want it to be able to enter the relevant line number and the customer name and reference number would be copied over onto the new sheet.
Alternatively as each new entry is made, the details ae copied over and this could supersede the previous entry (hope that makes sense).
The new customer contact sheet is password protected and we are not allowed to amend it in any way, so any formulas, macros etc... would have to be on the separate sheet and take account of this (had a colleagues try an sort this, but his macros did not work because of the password protect).
I know how to get it to copy over a single cell from one worksheet to another (e.g. Sheet2!A1) but not how to always copy the last entry or be able to pick out individual entries by entering the line number. I'm sure that this is actually quite a simple formula, but after several days searching for the answer i'm stumped.