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Lottery statistics

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  1. #1
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    Lottery statistics

    I play 6/49 lottery, so there are 6 columns of numbers. I want to get statistics of each number's history. What I want is to know how much withdrawings it was BETWEEN the withdrawings in which the number occured. For example, if for some number information is 12-1-4-5, that would mean that after the number first occured, it occured in 12th withdrawing, after that in 1st withdrawing (which mean immediately after), then in 4th and so on. Information should be provided for all numbers.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    Excel 2013
    This might help - please see the attachment.

    I'm not sure that this approach has any statistical validity but good luck anyway!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
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    Ok, maybe I didn't explain it properly. Part of your example is ok, and part is not. Let's look at your example, for number 2. It shows up after 15 withdrawings, that is ok. Then after 4 withdrawings (if we watch it relative to the previous withdrawing, not to the beginning). It should continue in the same fashion (that's the part I did not explained well), so always relative to the previous withdrawing. Number 2 then shows up after 4, and after that after 1 withdrawing. Correct line should be: 15-4-4-1. I'm sorry to bother you so much, otherwise this book is exactly what I wanted.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert mrice's Avatar
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    My mistake - please use the substitute cope below on the module1 sheet in the VBA editor. I'd forgotten to reset the start point when the second or subsequent occurence was found.

    Sub Update()
    For N = 1 To 49
        Counter = 0
        LastTime = 0
        For M = 2 To Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row
            If Application.CountIf(Range(Cells(M, 2), Cells(M, 7)), N) > 0 Then
                If Cells(N, 11) = "" Then
                    Cells(N, 11) = M - 1
                    Cells(N, 11) = Cells(N, 11) & "-" & M - 1 - LastTime
                End If
                LastTime = M - 1
            End If
        Next M
    Next N
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Now it's perfect! Thanks!

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