I live in Phoenix and occasionally loose money on the lottery.Its not that I'm that bent on winning, I like to play because I believe that
I can greatly increase my odds by numerical analysis. Here's some programs I grabbed off the web that I'm using (they are free). Why I'm here I think using
Excel to perform conditional checks, search/compare functions, and create list of number/combinations/sets of numbers so I can narrow down the playing field. I play an Arizona game called Pick5; there are five numbers (columns) in a range of 1-35. Easy game, good odds to win. There are no wild card numbers... they make the game to complex. The game is played 6 times a week so a lot of numbers are cycled through quite quickly; that makes the game a little more interesting.
I'm interested in exchanging ideas and functions pertaining Excel in use for Lottery number selection. Below is a list of programs and where I got them from that I'm using for the more complex analytic functions. I then take the data I get from them and enter that into Excel to reduce that data into a five numbers a day for my ticket purchase.
I mainly use this program to point out numbers that are lagging, need to learn more about his filters.
MDIEditor And Lotto WE 4.0 WE:
I've just started tonight to look at take the data from this program pertaining the number skips and will start to make some conditional filtering for my number selection.
I use this program to look at number trends and to generate lotto numbers I import into Excel to run conditional test on.
Giga 6.5 >>> at their main site you can get vers.# 7.3.1 > http://www.lottery-analyst.com/ <
This program generates 100 numbers at a time that is run through some built in filters that are more likely to come up. What I'm doing with this is
generating several hundred numbers 100 per column and comparing the columns for matches. Thinking that the number sets that make it through more than once are "good ones".
Here's the function that does the column comparing:
I put 100 numbers in column A and 100 numbers in column B and this function in column C for 100 rows. If I add another 100 numbers in column D I then put
this function =IF(COUNTIF($A$1:$A$100,D1)>0,D1,"") in column E for 100 rows, and this function =IF(COUNTIF($B$1:$B$100,D1)>0,D1,"") in column F for 100 rows. etc. etc. etc...
I'll add to this as time goes on and will share more with anyone interested. Tonight was my first go at this using this software and Excel spreadsheet so my number selection wasn’t a real good one, but it at least I had a little control over my odds.![]()
Anyone in AZ that needs the number list for the past 180 days (that's all I have) tell me and I'll post them in a format that imports easily into these programs, and Excel of course!