Hi, I have a couple of queries for anyone feeling like helping me!

Firstly, I have rota registers to enter into two spreadsheets - one for how many hours our clients have had, one for how many hours the staff members have worked. I have set them up like so

Spreadsheet 1: Client names along top, January dates along side

Spreadsheet 2: Staff names along top, January dates along side.

A rota register will have the service users name at the top - then is split into days, and the support worker will put in what hours they've personally done with them.

What I want to know is - can I set up anything that will allow me to enter both client and staff at the same time, or do (as i suspect) I need to do it manually?

My second question is can i change a cell ( i know how to do drop down lists) but so that if I have a list saying yes or no for example no will automatically come up red, and yes will automatically come up green?

Thanks for reading - hope someone can help!!!!