
What i am trying to do in excel sounds pretty simple, but i dont know how to do it. Bear with me, i will try to explain it in plain words.

I have three variables
A, B and C and a formula that relates them , say for example, A = B x C

At any time, only two variables are known (for example A and B are known while C is to be calculated or A and C are known while B needs to be calculated).

What i want is user opens the worksheet, select the two variables he knows (sa, from a drop down list), as soon as he enters the values in the two cells for the two known variables, the third cell automatically displaces the third variable and its calculated value.

If successful, i would like to replicate this for more than 3 variable problems.

Also, i should mention that my excel knowledge is quite basic, so please reply in simple words.

Thanks in advance,
