Hey, I need to make a sheet with student names on the left and the date across the top to calculate attandance/absence, and tardiness. The problem is then I'm going to have to calculate how many days they are absent, and who was tardy. If I use A= currently in school, B = absent, T=tardy will excel beable to calculate A's and B's? I have to do this in 5 subjects, and for 3 months, so for each month i'll just use a macro with a button for that, and 5 worksheets for each class. My only problem is how I'm going to calculate if each student is absent or in attandace or tardy. I just don't like the 3 variables, would be great if I could just have if there were in attandance or not, and somewhere else if they were tardy. If anyone has any different ideas I'm open to suggestions.
