Hi there,

I have a workbook of financial reports which uses the SunSystems Vision add-ins. When I recalculate workbook, certain cells in some of the worksheets does not recalculate, but if I utilise recalculate worksheet or range, the cells do recalculate.

I have tested out deleting the rows with the defective cells, then inserting a fresh row with the same formulas. Then the workbook will recalculate completely and correctly.

I would like to understand whether this is due to corrupt excel cells? If so, how do I detect if my workbook has corrupt cells, and which are the cells affected? As it is a financial report workbook, it contains a lot of financial data, and would be tedious to check it all out one by one, furhtermore, we have to ensure that the data reported is correct and accountable.

I have also discovered that if I create a fresh workbook and then link to the affected workbook, some of my data does not recalculate, too.

Your help is most appreciated and anticipated.
