Dumber than a pocket full of rocks
RE: correct date/days in a template
Thanks Marcelo Yes I did try to change the date but the date still starts
out on the first day which is monday and goes for 2 wks till sunday.... what
if I need to start on a wednesday or friday... is this templete set in
concrete can it be altered to suit my needs or do I have to build my own ???
Thanks Carl
"Marcelo" wrote:
> hi,
> did you try to change the 11/1/2004 to 11/15/2004?
> if yes change the day in the k6 cell
> hth
> regards from Brazil
> Marcelo
> "Dumber than a pocket full of rocks" escreveu:
> > I have found a template in M/S excel download that I would like to use but
> > how do I change the dates. The current template is dated 11/1/2004
> > -11/14/2004 The template is a biweekly time card which has to be changed
> > every 2 wks and additional days need to be added for when the the starting
> > date starts. This is the link if you care to look at it to help understand
> > what I am trying to explain
> > http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/te...CT063469961033
> > Thank-you have a safe 4th