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entering info into different worksheets

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exiled entering info into different... 06-21-2006, 05:12 AM
Guest Re: entering info into... 06-21-2006, 08:10 AM
exiled Hi Max Many thanks for the... 06-22-2006, 11:15 AM
Guest Re: entering info into... 06-22-2006, 04:10 PM
Guest Re: entering info into... 06-23-2006, 03:00 AM
  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    entering info into different worksheets


    I want to strip out a list of information in this case a phrase, all from the same worksheet and place them in a different worksheet by category. For example

    if the list is like this:

    current inflation rate
    current UK inflation rate
    uk inflation rate
    uk interest rate predictions
    alternative energy
    gold prices
    newspaper articles
    price of silver
    share prices today
    uk interest rate forecast
    gold price
    buy gold
    uk stock market
    currency forecasts

    I would want to put all the terms that include gold into one worksheet and those with interest rate into another and so on. I would already have the required worksheets created and named for example gold and interest rate

    How would I do this. With a formula or a macro.

    Also I would want to strip out/delete the phrase from the original list so I know what to do with the left overs.

    If someone knows a formula or macro that would do this I would be most grateful.

  2. #2

    Re: entering info into different worksheets

    Here's one play which extracts/strips it out into 3 cols ..

    A sample construct is available at:
    Extracting Text

    Source data assumed in A2 down

    List the 2 phrases in B1:C1, ie: gold, interest rate
    Put a label in D1: "leftovers"

    Place in B2:
    Copy B2 to D2

    In E2:
    Copy E2 to F2

    In G2:

    (Leave E1:G1 empty)

    Select B2:G2, fill down to the last row of data in col A

    Cols B and C will return items from col A which contain the 2 phrases
    indicated in B1:C1, while col D returns the "leftovers" from col A. All
    extracts will be neatly bunched at the top.

    Replace SEARCH with FIND in the criteria cols E and F if you want the phrase
    search to be case sensitive. SEARCH is not case sensitive.
    "exiled" wrote:
    > Hi
    > I want to strip out a list of information in this case a phrase, all
    > from the same worksheet and place them in a different worksheet by
    > category. For example
    > if the list is like this:
    > current inflation rate
    > current UK inflation rate
    > sipps
    > uk inflation rate
    > uk interest rate predictions
    > alternative energy
    > gold prices
    > newspaper articles
    > price of silver
    > share prices today
    > uk interest rate forecast
    > gold price
    > buy gold
    > uk stock market
    > currency forecasts
    > I would want to put all the terms that include gold into one worksheet
    > and those with interest rate into another and so on. I would already
    > have the required worksheets created and named for example gold and
    > interest rate
    > How would I do this. With a formula or a macro.
    > Also I would want to strip out/delete the phrase from the original list
    > so I know what to do with the left overs.
    > If someone knows a formula or macro that would do this I would be most
    > grateful.
    > --
    > exiled
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > exiled's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35619
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=553972

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Thumbs up

    Hi Max

    Many thanks for the tip.

    Unfortunately it doesn't do what I require.

    I need it to work over a selection of at least 30 groups and so the phrase to be automatically deleted from the original list.

    Do you have any ideas, another formula or macro.

  4. #4

    Re: entering info into different worksheets

    > I need it to work over a selection of at least 30 groups and so the
    > phrase to be automatically deleted from the original list.

    Try this slightly revised approach to achieve the above ..

    See sheet: Y in the attached sample:

    Source data is assumed within A2:A50

    List the "exclusion" phrases within B1:B40, eg: gold, interest rate, etc
    (I've catered for up to 40 exclusion phrases. Enter in any order within

    Put a label in C1: "leftovers"

    Place in C2:

    In D2:

    (Leave D1 empty)

    Select C2:D2, fill down to the last row of data expected in col A, i.e. to A50

    Col C will return the required "leftovers", viz. items from col A which do
    not contain the phrases indicated within B1:B40, with all extracts neatly
    bunched at the top.

    Replace SEARCH with FIND in the criteria col D if you want the phrase search
    to be case sensitive. SEARCH is not case sensitive.

    Adapt to suit ..
    "exiled" wrote:
    > Hi Max
    > Many thanks for the tip.
    > Unfortunately it doesn't do what I require.
    > I need it to work over a selection of at least 30 groups and so the
    > phrase to be automatically deleted from the original list.
    > Do you have any ideas, another formula or macro.
    > --
    > exiled
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > exiled's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35619
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=553972

  5. #5

    Re: entering info into different worksheets

    Typo in line:
    > Select C2:D2, fill down to the last row of data expected in col A, i.e. to A50

    "to A50" should read as: "to D50"

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