Here's one play which extracts/strips it out into 3 cols ..
A sample construct is available at:
Extracting Text
Source data assumed in A2 down
List the 2 phrases in B1:C1, ie: gold, interest rate
Put a label in D1: "leftovers"
Place in B2:
Copy B2 to D2
In E2:
Copy E2 to F2
In G2:
(Leave E1:G1 empty)
Select B2:G2, fill down to the last row of data in col A
Cols B and C will return items from col A which contain the 2 phrases
indicated in B1:C1, while col D returns the "leftovers" from col A. All
extracts will be neatly bunched at the top.
Replace SEARCH with FIND in the criteria cols E and F if you want the phrase
search to be case sensitive. SEARCH is not case sensitive.
"exiled" wrote:
> Hi
> I want to strip out a list of information in this case a phrase, all
> from the same worksheet and place them in a different worksheet by
> category. For example
> if the list is like this:
> current inflation rate
> current UK inflation rate
> sipps
> uk inflation rate
> uk interest rate predictions
> alternative energy
> gold prices
> newspaper articles
> price of silver
> share prices today
> uk interest rate forecast
> gold price
> buy gold
> uk stock market
> currency forecasts
> I would want to put all the terms that include gold into one worksheet
> and those with interest rate into another and so on. I would already
> have the required worksheets created and named for example gold and
> interest rate
> How would I do this. With a formula or a macro.
> Also I would want to strip out/delete the phrase from the original list
> so I know what to do with the left overs.
> If someone knows a formula or macro that would do this I would be most
> grateful.
> --
> exiled
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