Hi thanks for the info, no i just need a column that gives me the total
hours worked for each individual as 1 line rather than me have to sit
there and calculate the total hours each for each record,
the other problem is will it calculate the hours if they are setup as
and so forth or do i need to convert the numerical fields first..as i
know in the past trying to get a sum doesnt always work.
Bob Phillips wrote:
> =SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D)
> If you need regular and overtime hours, just use
> =MAX(40,SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))
> for regular hours, and
> =MIN(0,40-SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))
> if regular hours are upto 40.
> --
> Bob Phillips
> (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
> "Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1144534479.928455.51150@i39g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> > Hi All
> >
> > I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
> > with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
> > hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)
> >
> > Name Start End Hours
> > Persona 1:30 2:30 1
> > Persona 3:30 4:30 1
> > Persona 9:30 11:30
> > person b
> > person b
> > person c
> > person c
> > person d etc etc
> >
> > What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
> > which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and so
> > on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
> > 10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
> > that may work different hours and days in a month.
> >
> > any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense
> >