
Try this:

Assuming your range is A2:E6. Enter this formula in F2 and copy down as



"Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi All
> I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
> with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
> hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)
> Name Start End Hours
> Persona 1:30 2:30 1
> Persona 3:30 4:30 1
> Persona 9:30 11:30
> person b
> person b
> person c
> person c
> person d etc etc
> What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
> which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and so
> on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
> 10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
> that may work different hours and days in a month.
> any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense