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Work out overtime hours for individuals

  1. #1

    Work out overtime hours for individuals

    Hi All

    I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
    with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
    hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)

    Name Start End Hours
    Persona 1:30 2:30 1
    Persona 3:30 4:30 1
    Persona 9:30 11:30
    person b
    person b
    person c
    person c
    person d etc etc

    What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
    which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and so
    on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
    10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
    that may work different hours and days in a month.

    any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense

  2. #2

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals


    Try this:

    Assuming your range is A2:E6. Enter this formula in F2 and copy down as



    "Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi All
    > I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
    > with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
    > hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)
    > Name Start End Hours
    > Persona 1:30 2:30 1
    > Persona 3:30 4:30 1
    > Persona 9:30 11:30
    > person b
    > person b
    > person c
    > person c
    > person d etc etc
    > What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
    > which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and so
    > on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
    > 10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
    > that may work different hours and days in a month.
    > any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense

  3. #3
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    =SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D)

    If you need regular and overtime hours, just use

    =MAX(40,SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))

    for regular hours, and

    =MIN(0,40-SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))

    if regular hours are upto 40.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi All
    > I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
    > with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
    > hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)
    > Name Start End Hours
    > Persona 1:30 2:30 1
    > Persona 3:30 4:30 1
    > Persona 9:30 11:30
    > person b
    > person b
    > person c
    > person c
    > person d etc etc
    > What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
    > which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and so
    > on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
    > 10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
    > that may work different hours and days in a month.
    > any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense

  4. #4

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    Hi thanks for the info, no i just need a column that gives me the total
    hours worked for each individual as 1 line rather than me have to sit
    there and calculate the total hours each for each record,

    the other problem is will it calculate the hours if they are setup as

    and so forth or do i need to convert the numerical fields first..as i
    know in the past trying to get a sum doesnt always work.

    Bob Phillips wrote:

    > =SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D)
    > If you need regular and overtime hours, just use
    > =MAX(40,SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))
    > for regular hours, and
    > =MIN(0,40-SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))
    > if regular hours are upto 40.
    > --
    > HTH
    > Bob Phillips
    > (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
    > "Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > news:1144534479.928455.51150@i39g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
    > > Hi All
    > >
    > > I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
    > > with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
    > > hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)
    > >
    > > Name Start End Hours
    > > Persona 1:30 2:30 1
    > > Persona 3:30 4:30 1
    > > Persona 9:30 11:30
    > > person b
    > > person b
    > > person c
    > > person c
    > > person d etc etc
    > >
    > > What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
    > > which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and so
    > > on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
    > > 10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
    > > that may work different hours and days in a month.
    > >
    > > any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense
    > >

  5. #5
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    No, the formula I gave will sum up the hours, but format the cell as [h]:mm
    to allow for more than 24 hours.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi thanks for the info, no i just need a column that gives me the total
    > hours worked for each individual as 1 line rather than me have to sit
    > there and calculate the total hours each for each record,
    > the other problem is will it calculate the hours if they are setup as
    > follow:
    > 01:30
    > 06:15
    > and so forth or do i need to convert the numerical fields first..as i
    > know in the past trying to get a sum doesnt always work.
    > Bob Phillips wrote:
    > > =SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D)
    > >
    > > If you need regular and overtime hours, just use
    > >
    > > =MAX(40,SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))
    > >
    > > for regular hours, and
    > >
    > > =MIN(0,40-SUMIF(A1A,"Person a",D:D))
    > >
    > > if regular hours are upto 40.
    > >
    > > --
    > > HTH
    > >
    > > Bob Phillips
    > >
    > > (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
    > >
    > > "Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > > news:1144534479.928455.51150@i39g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
    > > > Hi All
    > > >
    > > > I have a question which i am hoping someone will eb able to help me
    > > > with, i have a spreadsheet which contains infromation for part time
    > > > hours worked during the course of a month for individuals (e.g. below)
    > > >
    > > > Name Start End Hours
    > > > Persona 1:30 2:30 1
    > > > Persona 3:30 4:30 1
    > > > Persona 9:30 11:30
    > > > person b
    > > > person b
    > > > person c
    > > > person c
    > > > person d etc etc
    > > >
    > > > What i need is a formula that will allo wme to add an extra column
    > > > which gives me the total hours person a worked, person be worked and

    > > > on. The original data contains multiple lines (i.e persona could have
    > > > 10 lines, personb15 lines etc etc), and is used for temporay teachers
    > > > that may work different hours and days in a month.
    > > >
    > > > any help is appreciate, and i hope the above makes sense
    > > >


  6. #6

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    thanks for that i will try it on the spread sheet tomorrow at work, and
    willr evert back in the evening tomorrow if i encounter a problem.

  7. #7
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    Okay, will watch out for it.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "Fudge" <fudgie73@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > thanks for that i will try it on the spread sheet tomorrow at work, and
    > willr evert back in the evening tomorrow if i encounter a problem.

  8. #8

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    bob can this formula be written into a macro, so that on a monthly
    basis when i print the list i can simply apply it to open into a new
    work sheet with the figures as i need them? rather than having to write
    out the formula every month

  9. #9

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    Fudge wrote:
    > bob can this formula be written into a macro, so that on a monthly
    > basis when i print the list i can simply apply it to open into a new
    > work sheet with the figures as i need them? rather than having to write
    > out the formula every month

    Hi the fields that are used are as follow:

    Staff`Ref Surname First NAme PT Worklog Start PT Worklog End Pay
    Grade Cost Centre Ref Duration Hrly Rate (columns A-I) so column J
    would contain the total for total hours worked for each individual
    (multiple lines) what bits do i need to change on the formula, the
    duration shows as 01:30, 00:30, 06:00

  10. #10

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    I've attached sample data from the worksheet for you to look at

    Staff Reference Surname First Name PT Work Log Start Date PT Work Log
    End Date Pay Grade Code Cost Centre Reference Duration Hourly Rate
    1000872 Marks Janet 28/03/2006 28/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    1000872 Marks Janet 21/03/2006 21/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    1000872 Marks Janet 14/03/2006 14/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    1000872 Marks Janet 07/03/2006 07/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    1000872 Marks Janet 28/02/2006 28/02/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    1000872 Marks Janet 21/02/2006 21/02/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    1000647 Manning Clare 27/03/2006 27/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    1000647 Manning Clare 20/03/2006 20/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    1000647 Manning Clare 13/03/2006 13/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    1000647 Manning Clare 06/03/2006 06/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    1000647 Manning Clare 27/02/2006 27/02/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    1000647 Manning Clare 20/02/2006 20/02/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    1000463 Burton Lisa 31/03/2006 31/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    1000463 Burton Lisa 24/03/2006 24/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    1000463 Burton Lisa 17/03/2006 17/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    1000463 Burton Lisa 10/03/2006 10/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    1000463 Burton Lisa 03/03/2006 03/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    1000463 Burton Lisa 24/02/2006 24/02/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    1000315 Gunter Norman 06/03/2006 06/03/2006 HP T300 02:00 23.56

  11. #11
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    Thanks for the example, made it easy.

    This is all the code you need.

    Sub Test()
    Dim cRows As Long

    cRows = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 1
    Range("J2").Formula = "=SUMIF(A:A,A2,H:H)"
    Range("J2").AutoFill Range("J2").Resize(cRows)

    End Sub

    If you add it to Personal.xls and add a button to a toolbar and assign it to
    that button, it is always available.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "Fudge" <FudgieM@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > I've attached sample data from the worksheet for you to look at
    > Staff Reference Surname First Name PT Work Log Start Date PT Work Log
    > End Date Pay Grade Code Cost Centre Reference Duration Hourly Rate
    > 1000872 Marks Janet 28/03/2006 28/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    > 1000872 Marks Janet 21/03/2006 21/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    > 1000872 Marks Janet 14/03/2006 14/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    > 1000872 Marks Janet 07/03/2006 07/03/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    > 1000872 Marks Janet 28/02/2006 28/02/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    > 1000872 Marks Janet 21/02/2006 21/02/2006 HP S000 02:00 23.56
    > 1000647 Manning Clare 27/03/2006 27/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    > 1000647 Manning Clare 20/03/2006 20/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    > 1000647 Manning Clare 13/03/2006 13/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    > 1000647 Manning Clare 06/03/2006 06/03/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    > 1000647 Manning Clare 27/02/2006 27/02/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    > 1000647 Manning Clare 20/02/2006 20/02/2006 HP B300 00:30 23.56
    > 1000463 Burton Lisa 31/03/2006 31/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    > 1000463 Burton Lisa 24/03/2006 24/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    > 1000463 Burton Lisa 17/03/2006 17/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    > 1000463 Burton Lisa 10/03/2006 10/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    > 1000463 Burton Lisa 03/03/2006 03/03/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    > 1000463 Burton Lisa 24/02/2006 24/02/2006 HP B650 01:30 23.56
    > 1000315 Gunter Norman 06/03/2006 06/03/2006 HP T300 02:00 23.56

  12. #12

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    as you probably can tell i am a total newbie at writing macros, how do
    i add the macro to personal.xls and then make it available for everyone
    to use, also do i have to write the code in visual basic.

    The other thing i tried the formula u provided, it gives me th elines i
    want, but then doesn't calculate some lines and leaves them as zero
    despite there being hours.

  13. #13
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    If you want to share it with others, Personal.xls is no good. Why don't you
    create a new workbook with the macro and a button, and save it as a template
    file. Your users can then open that whenever they start afresh.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "Fudge" <FudgieM@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > as you probably can tell i am a total newbie at writing macros, how do
    > i add the macro to personal.xls and then make it available for everyone
    > to use, also do i have to write the code in visual basic.
    > The other thing i tried the formula u provided, it gives me th elines i
    > want, but then doesn't calculate some lines and leaves them as zero
    > despite there being hours.

  14. #14

    Re: Work out overtime hours for individuals

    column a = staff ref
    column b = surname
    column c = first name
    column d = PT worklog start date
    column e = PT worklog end date
    column f = pay grade
    column g = cost centre
    column h = duration
    column i = hourly rate

    That is the setup of the above example, the duration field shows as
    01:30 which i have formatted to [H]:mm. however when i drop the formula
    in to column j row j2 it doesn't calculate the total hours for some
    staff and shows as zero.

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