My mistake. I made an error in the formula. I corrected it and it seems to
be doing just what I wanted. Thank you very much.
"Max" <> wrote in message
> One way ..
> Suppose serial nos (1,2,3 ... 600)
> and names are in cols A and B, from row1 to 600
> Put in C1: =INDEX($A$1:$A$600,RANK(D1,$D$1:$D$600))
> Put in D1: =RAND()
> Select C1:D1, fill down
> C1 returns the random shuffle of the serial nos that's required
> Press F9 key to regenerate
> --
> Max
> Singapore
> xdemechanik
> ---
> "Stephen Larivee" <> wrote in message
>> I have a list of 600 names. I would like to generate a random number
>> between 1 and 600 for each person but not have any repeating numbers. So
>> far I have used
>> =rand()*600
>> This give me the correct number range but many of the numbers repeat.
>> Can I accomplish what I want to do?