The modification of the macro should be fairly obvious.
Modify>put it in a module and execute from alt f8 or assign to a button.
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
"aaaa" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for the fast reply Don
> LOL where should enter this?
> does it matter what cell is selected?
> I thought I would be able to make out what I need to change to make this
> work for my sheet, but I was WAY wrong LOL
> I should have been more specific sorry
> total is in column C and Passed is column G and would like the % in column
> J
> what would I need to change to make this work?
> "Don Guillett" <> wrote in message
> news:OYntDNsSGHA.2276@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
>> try this which does the formula and removes it
>> Sub addformulasandtakeaway()
>> x=cells(rows.count,"a").end(xlup).row
>> Set frng = Range("e2:e" & x)
>> With frng
>> .Formula = "=c2/d2"
>> .Formula = .Value
>> End With
>> End Sub
>> --
>> Don Guillett
>> SalesAid Software
>> "aaaa" <> wrote in message
>>> Firstly I'm a total newb to excel (and access for that matter LOL)
>>> I have almost 25,000 rows of data and I'm a little scared LOL
>>> its a basic set up, Total, Passed, Rejected ect ect across the top with
>>> the info below.
>>> example...
>>> Date Total Passed Rejected
>>> 1/2/05 123 100 23
>>> 1/4/05 324 320 4
>>> 1/6/05 97 96 1
>>> I need a fifth column showing a percentage of passed.
>>> but I don't know how to do this with out entering the formula 25
>>> thousand times :-(
>>> Please help
>>> Also would really love to be pointed towards an easy to understand
>>> instruction site for access.
>>> Thank you all,
>>> Chad