Let's split your solution in parts:
1) Where is the city of Sheet2!C2, for example, in Sheet1? The following
formula answers it:
=match(Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!A:A, 0)
if the city is Indianapolis, the formula result will be 2
2) What is the address of the first cells of Sheet1, row X, where X is the
result of the formula above? It will be:
=address(X, 1, 1, 1, "Sheet1")
if we change X by the match formula above:
=address(match(Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!A:A, 0), 1, 1, 1, "Sheet1")
3) But the above formula gives us a text, not a cell reference. And now? Use
the indirect formula:
=indirect(address(match(Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!A:A, 0), 1, 1, 1, "Sheet1"),1)
4) What is the address of the row Sheet1!X:X where X is the number of the
row of the first match formula? Use the offset function:
=offset(indirect(address(match(Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!A:A, 0), 1, 1, 1,
"Sheet1"),1), 0, 0, 1, 256)
5) How many times the name in Sheet2!C1 appears in Sheet1!X:X (where X is
the result of the first match function)? Use this formula:
= countif(offset(indirect(address(match(Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!A:A, 0), 1, 1, 1,
"Sheet1"),1), 0, 0, 1, 256), Sheet2!C1)
6) How many times the name in Sheet2!C1 appears from column H to column AC?
=countif(Sheets1!H:AC, Sheet2!C1)
7) FINALLY, the number of travels will be the number of times that a name
appears minus the number of times if appear in row X. In other words it will
be part 6 minus part 5:
=countif(Sheets1!H:AC, Sheet2!C1) -
countif(offset(indirect(address(match(Sheet2!C2, Sheet1!A:A, 0), 1, 1, 1,
"Sheet1"),1), 0, 0, 1, 256), Sheet2!C1)
Reply me if it don't work. I work with Excel in portuguese and the name of
my functions are different, but I think that I've translated right.
Rogerio Takejame
Americana - Sao Paulo - Brazil
"Karmen" wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem, which I cannot seem to sort out.
I have
> two spreadsheets. The first spreadsheet, column C is a list of cities,
> and columns H through AC is a list of dates under which employee names
> are assigned. The employee does not always work in the same city and I
> would like to display on the second spreadsheet how many times a
> particular employee is in a particular city. However it is then more
> difficult, as I have the employee name and their base city location on
> the second spreadsheet and I would like to compare the city where the
> employee is scheduled to work on the first sheet to where they are
> based on the second sheet to determine if travel is required.
> For example:
> 1st spreadsheet is the city scheduled to work and names under dates
> scheduled to work:
> column C Column H I J K….
> Memphis Smith Smith Smith Doe
> Indianapolis Brown Brown Brown Brown
> Miami Doe Doe Doe Jay
> 2nd spreadsheet is the name of the employee and then their base city
> where they would travel from:
> Column B Column C
> Brown Indianapolis
> Doe Miami
> Jay Newark
> Smith Nashville
> In this case Brown does not need travel
> Doe needs 1 day travel
> Jay needs 1 day travel
> Smith needs 4 days travel
> Is there a formula that will display how may days the employee needs
> travel based on the above information?
> --
> Karmen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Karmen's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30972
> View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516221