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Complex calculation and manipulation in Excel

  1. #1

    Complex calculation and manipulation in Excel

    I have my budget calculator on an Excel spreadsheet. In one table(TableA) I
    enter my paycheck date and the 4 columns to the right of it get a currency
    value from another part of the worksheet. Right below that I have expense
    descriptions I enter and their amounts which subtract from those column
    totals. At the bottom of that table I have a remaining balance row. What I
    want to do is make a button that I can click which takes the paycheck date
    and puts it in another table(TableB), then adds all the remaining balances,
    stores their total value beside that paycheck date in TableB, skips to the
    next line in TableB, and clears TableA. Is this even possible with Excel or
    am I biting off more than it can chew?

  2. #2

    RE: Complex calculation and manipulation in Excel

    it will be quite easy with vba.If you have all your tables set up a good way
    to start to use and learn vba is to record a macro.Go to tools/ macro/
    record macro.Then do all your above steps manually and when finished "stop
    recording".When you go to tools/macro/macros again choose edit and look at he
    resulting code,then post back here !
    remove nospam for email addy!

    "Dedren" wrote:

    > I have my budget calculator on an Excel spreadsheet. In one table(TableA) I
    > enter my paycheck date and the 4 columns to the right of it get a currency
    > value from another part of the worksheet. Right below that I have expense
    > descriptions I enter and their amounts which subtract from those column
    > totals. At the bottom of that table I have a remaining balance row. What I
    > want to do is make a button that I can click which takes the paycheck date
    > and puts it in another table(TableB), then adds all the remaining balances,
    > stores their total value beside that paycheck date in TableB, skips to the
    > next line in TableB, and clears TableA. Is this even possible with Excel or
    > am I biting off more than it can chew?

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