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how to add time above 24hrs...

  1. #1
    Bill R.

    how to add time above 24hrs...

    I am writing a leave tracker spreadsheet and want to add time up to the
    minute to keep track of overtime and comp time and credit hours, annual
    leave, sick leave etc.

    I have my cells formated to time hh:mm but when I add up the time that
    equates more than 24 hours, I get ####, which means the calculations are

    I tried changing the type to hh:mm:ss and that seemed to add the time up
    correctly but I dont want to display the seconds...too much info, plus I
    only need up to the min.

    any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Peo Sjoblom

    Re: how to add time above 24hrs...

    2 things, widen your column so the result fit, then use custom format




    Peo Sjoblom

    "Bill R." <> wrote in message
    > Hi,
    > I am writing a leave tracker spreadsheet and want to add time up to the
    > minute to keep track of overtime and comp time and credit hours, annual
    > leave, sick leave etc.
    > I have my cells formated to time hh:mm but when I add up the time that
    > equates more than 24 hours, I get ####, which means the calculations are
    > incorrect.
    > I tried changing the type to hh:mm:ss and that seemed to add the time up
    > correctly but I dont want to display the seconds...too much info, plus I
    > only need up to the min.
    > any help would be appreciated.
    > Bill

  3. #3
    Jerry W. Lewis

    RE: how to add time above 24hrs...

    #### can also mean that the column is not wide enough to disply the result.
    If you go to the Format|Cells dialog, what do you seen in the Sample window?

    If the column is too narrow, then widen it.

    If it is in fact an error, then you will havee to look elsewhere for the
    problem, since what you describe doing should not produce an error. What
    does =COUNT(range) return, where range is the cell range that contains your
    times? My guess is that COUNT will return less than the number of "times" in
    that range, indicating that some of them are text instead of Excel date

    With 18:00 in A1, 7:00 in A2, and a format of hh:mm, =A1+A2 would return
    1:00. If (as I suspect) you wanted 25:00, you would need to use the custom
    format [h]:mm , or [hh]:mm if you want to see a leading zero on values <


    "Bill R." wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I am writing a leave tracker spreadsheet and want to add time up to the
    > minute to keep track of overtime and comp time and credit hours, annual
    > leave, sick leave etc.
    > I have my cells formated to time hh:mm but when I add up the time that
    > equates more than 24 hours, I get ####, which means the calculations are
    > incorrect.
    > I tried changing the type to hh:mm:ss and that seemed to add the time up
    > correctly but I dont want to display the seconds...too much info, plus I
    > only need up to the min.
    > any help would be appreciated.
    > Bill

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