The only thing I can think of is that when you deleted, you deleted rows or
cells. This would take out the drop down. Just being in the cell where the
drop down is and pressing delete won't take out the drop down.

"Weave" wrote:

> Hello and greetings from South Texas (very cold). I've created a simple
> spreadsheet report with six different categories (columns). In two of those
> categories I implemented drop down lists using Data>Validation>List, etc.
> Initially it worked like it was supposed to therefore giving me the luxury of
> selecting different options from the drop down menu. I locked several cells
> (not including the two columns) and protected the worksheet with a password.
> As I opened the file this morning I deleted the current information in an
> attempt to enter new information (expecting the drop down fields to be in
> tact), but the drop down list has dissappeared. The list of information is
> still located on page two, but the drop down is no longer there. I've tried
> restarting, protecting/unprotecting, redoing the validation list, etc., but
> to no avail. Sorry for the narrative. Can you help please?
> John