This will play a song if your cursor is on the cell with the full file name
such as
C:\music\GordonLightfoot\Gordon Lightfoot - Canadian Railroad

Just right click sheet tab>view code>insert this>SAVE>
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=ActiveCell
End Sub

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
"music icons" <> wrote in message
> My question I think is pretty simple but I cannot figure it out..
> I work with music I'm a KJ.
> when i open an excel file I have hundreds and hundreds of song titles &
> artists names that i've typed in, now what i'm trying to figure out is how
> can i next to each and every title insert an icon "don't know the right

> for it" so I can listen to seconds of each song. I tried figuring it out
> with hyperlink but that didn't work.
> I'm sure it's possible to have done because when I go in music sites there
> is an icon next to song titles that you can actually listen to seconds of
> each song.
> I hope what I wrote is clear and understandable
> I hope someone out there can please help me i've been on it for days with

> such luck thks