Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
"strung" <>
wrote in message
>> Chip Pearson Try
>> ActiveCell.Resize(num_rows,num_columns).Select
> I don't understand where I can put the 33 cells I need to copy
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
>> bpeltzer
>> Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(0, 1)).Select 'shift-right.
> The line of code goes to Red and won't work.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
> The issue is this,
> The macro does a Find for a particular word in the worksheet.
> That particular word (Text) is the title of what the contents
> are in
> each of the 33 cells below it.
> But it (Title) does not always start in the same cell, so I
> can't use
> the Cell Range code constantly.
> Once I Find the Title, then I would normaly do a Shift
> _Arrow-Key_Down
> and then copy the entire contents of those 33 Cells, manually.
> That's why I cannot use a Cell Range code.
> So it's basicaly: Macro finds the Title,
> Then: Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select '*Down*
> Then: Select the entire cell range below the title to Copy
> I can make it do everything except select the entire range of
> upto 33
> Cells below Title.
> Example.
> Title
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 6
> 7
> 8
> 9
> 10
> 11
> 12
> 13
> 14
> Hope this makes sense
> --
> strung
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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